Color Psychology in Home Design Choosing the Right Palette

Color Psychology in Home Design Choosing the Right Palette

Color is a very powerful design tool. It can instantly change the mood of a room, and can influence how people feel in it.

While a person’s response to color may vary depending on their cultural background and personal preference, research supports the idea that certain colors have specific psychological effects. This is why many designers utilize color psychology when choosing a palette for their client’s homes.

Warm Tones

Red evokes feelings of passion and enthusiasm, making it a good choice for living areas like kitchens and recreation rooms. However, exposure to this hue has also been shown to entice appetite, so be careful when using it in dining rooms.

Shades of blue inspire a sense of calm and stability. Blues are ideal for bedrooms, bathrooms and communal living spaces, while deeper shades evoke masculine qualities and work well in home offices or studios.

Orange invokes feelings of excitement and creativity. This hue can also energize your body, which makes it a great option for rec rooms or home gyms.

Cool Tones

Colors have a strong impact on mood. Using them wisely in your home can make rooms feel more inviting and uplifting.

Cool tones like blue, green, and purple are associated with calming, serenity, and relaxation. They can also promote focus and clarity in the mind. These shades work well for bedrooms, bathrooms and workspaces.

In a room designed for meditation or reflection, emerald green creates an air of freshness and balance. It can also inspire ideas and encourage mental health and wellness.

Using colors to affect mood is known as chromotherapy. It hasn’t been scientifically proven to be more effective than other mood regulation techniques, but it may help reduce stress and anxiety and increase feelings of happiness. In one study, participants were exposed to the color blue during a guided relaxation session and experienced a decrease in heart rate. They also reported feeling less stressed when they returned to their home after the session.


In recent years, neutrals have become increasingly important in home design. They offer a clean canvas for any design aesthetic and allow you to easily introduce color with furniture and decor. Neutrals include white, gray, taupe, beige, brown and black. They also include tints of primary and secondary colors like a vibrant green turned into muted khaki or a bold yellow turning into subtle beige.

Green, associated with the natural world, is a positive color that encourages thoughts of balance and restoration. It’s the perfect wall color for spaces that need to open up.

Red evokes feelings of passion, excitement and ambition. It’s a great choice for rooms where you want to be inspired and creative, such as home offices or studios. It’s also known to stimulate appetite, so it can be used in kitchens and dining areas. Purple, a regal color that triggers feelings of creativity and depth, is another mood-enhancing option. It works well in bedrooms and communal living spaces.


Colors can evoke emotions and stimulate different parts of the brain. Incorporating colors that create a relaxing mood into your home is an easy way to improve overall well-being and make the space more inviting.

For example, blues evoke feelings of serenity and loyalty. They also promote a healthy sleeping environment. Similarly, purple, which has been associated with creativity and depth, is perfect for home offices or craft rooms.

Warm colors like reds and oranges are ideal in spaces for entertaining or cooking. They can also stimulate appetite and increase energy levels. However, these shades should be avoided in spaces where you want to relax like bedrooms or bathrooms.

While multiple studies have been conducted on the effects of color psychology, the truth is that everyone reacts to hues differently. Therefore, it is important to consider how each member of your household responds to various colors before making a final decision. If you’re ready to apply color psychology in your home, contact the Stoneside location nearest you today to schedule a free design consultation.
