Best Places to Install Solar Panels

Best Places to Install Solar Panels

“Location, location, location” is a well-known phrase in real estate. Did you know that the same principle applies to solar panel installation? Indeed, when it comes to installing solar panels, the right location is crucial. This guide will demonstrate how to properly position solar panels in your home.

The Roof

It’s no surprise that your home’s roof receives the most sunlight, making it the prime spot for solar panels. The only exception is if your roof faces north. Solar panels positioned to the north won’t receive sufficient sunlight for effective electricity generation. Solar panels are typically installed on south-facing roofs, as they receive the maximum sunlight during the day. Installers will orient the solar panels toward “true” south, not “magnetic” south. While it’s possible to install solar panels on east or west-facing roofs, you might require larger panels or a greater quantity.

On the Ground

Even if your roof doesn’t face south or can’t accommodate panels, you can still install solar panels. This option is worth considering if you dislike the appearance of roof-mounted panels or if they are aesthetically unappealing. There are two installation alternatives: ground mounts or pole mounts.

The Side of Your House

If the roof doesn’t provide an ideal location and you prefer not to place panels on the ground, installing them on the side of your home is an option. Some homeowners opt for this approach if they have a south-facing garage or wall. Check with your homeowner’s association to determine if this is permissible.

Other Areas

If none of these options suit your situation, it’s time to get creative. You can install solar panels on your property using structures like garages, sheds, or awnings. Do you have a carport, gazebo, pergola, or solarium? These areas can also be utilized with the appropriate installation. ESD Solar, with its experience and expertise, can guide you in determining if these areas are suitable for your solar system and home.

We are committed to helping you select the right home solar system for your energy needs. Whether you’re considering going completely off-grid or simply enhancing your energy efficiency, we can assist you in designing the perfect home solar system. If you’re interested in transitioning to solar power, please reach out to us for more information.

This post was written by Daniel Massaad, owner and expert solar technician at! ESD is one of the top solar panel companies in Florida! Our licensed and certified contractors are masters of their craft; with years of experience servicing the great Tampa Bay area and beyond, the choice is simple. ESD excels at offering you the best in solar value!
